Ever tried walking on the moon with no gravity? (On Pigg)
Buy the spacesuit from the fishing shop for 300,000 fishing points. Go to travel and walk on the moon! Make sure to have an action to post a flag on there. Take a picture and let's see it. *Have no fishing points? Tune in for the next post/video of how to bug your points on Poyon! But be sure to have Poyon ready, from the other old posts.
There's a new fishing challenge on Pigg! Shall we try it?
The new fishing challenge looks like a Japanese themed challenge, or a pink-ish style room. It would be always great to try it, and if we finish it, we feel accomplished! It won't be easy, but at least Pigg helps you get the challenge fish by letting it be pretty easy to catch it. :)
ABOUT POYON: Getting Poyon is easy. You will need the following:
Poyon Download http://poyon.org/
WinRAR http://www.win-rar.com/download.html?&L=0
A computer
Type up poyon.org (Or click link above)
New tab, and search up winRAR (Or click link above)
Download winRAR
Download Poyon 3.0 0REL54 *(Or any new updated ones)
When Poyon is done downloading, install, and extract the files.
Double click Poyon and it will load
Enter your Pigg ID on first line and Pigg Password on second line
FAQ: Q: Will Poyon cause a virus on my computer? A: As simple as it is, the website is safe. It may say it will "cause viruses", but according to my word, it will most likely not. It hasn't for me, and I assure you it will not cause virus unless anything is going on with your computer of whatsoever. So, trust me, it is safe to download.
Q: If I download Poyon, will it lag my computer? A: No, it will not lag your computer. If it lags, then it is because you have downloaded too many files on something else, other than Poyon.
Q: Will I get banned if I use Poyon? A: You will not get banned. But when cheating or bugging, be aware of those around you and the amount of GM, CG, Fishing Points, you have. Sometimes if you have too much, you MAY be banned. But mainly, if you're reported, you WILL be banned.
I got married in Pigg? Can you tell which is me? My new wifey is Hyuna, a friend of mine before, but special "one" today. We love each other, as boos. Oh, how sweet she is! First, we met as sexy friends, talking wrong, talking crap, and finally, we had that moment. A moment always memorable and couldn't let go on. We had the doubts but stayed together and finally we decided to get "Pigg Married". And this is not lesbian- this is virtual, but friendship-y.
Yeah, I just created a blog. Welcome to it, on this blog, we'll show you anything on Ameba Pigg. Make it known! There's exclusives on information on Ameba Pigg, secrets about Pigg. There are cheats and hacks with WPE PRO or with Cheat Engine, whichever is fine. And, whatever's best, Poyon! Thanks for the first encounter!